BLOOM Women’s Ministry

For all CBC Women

Monthly Gatherings
on the 2nd Monday of each month

Bloom exists to help women grow in Christ and in fellowship with one another. We seek to encourage women to be “rooted”- rooted in a flourishing relationship with Jesus, in His Word, in sisterhood with one another, and in our community. Our desire is that women will find joy by using their gifts to “bloom where they are planted.” We meet the second Monday of every month (Sept – May) at 6pm in the Fireside Room. We share food, fun, fellowship, devotion, and prayer. It is time well spent! We would love to have teens and women of all ages meet with us any time you can!  Come and BLOOM with us!

Psalm 1:3… like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.




Monday September 9
6:00pm in the Firesside Room
All Ladies (Middle School and up) are invited


Saturday November 2
9:00am to 11:30am
Special Guest Speaker:
Mary Cox
Registration now open
Fall Conference Registration Form